Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Vote Christopher/ St.Patty's Review

Alright whiners, we are back.

This week is important for a couple reasons:

First, The Supreme Court is FINALLY reviewing  marriage equality. Hope you're all wearing red today, as well as following SCOTUS.

Second, SBA Elections are this week. I'm sure all the candidates are worthy in their own right but we at the 420 House would like to take some time to advocate one candidate in particular: Christopher Smith.

You may know Christopher as the tall and charismatic host of the Vagina Monologues, or the singing sensation that gave light to some of the toughest issues we face in SoRo ( having to travel to shop or get laid) at Specific Performance, or you may know him as your knowledgeable, and not to mention incredibly handsome Con Law TA. I know Christopher as one of the closest friends I've made here in SoRo, one that has become a platform for advice on anything from classes to the significance of throwing away your scale. Christopher is not only a good friend but a true advocate of the student body. Others have been quoted saying Christopher would be "the best fit with the SBA" and "Christopher would continue to be a great representative of the students here at VLS." So yeah, Vote for Christopher.

On to less important matters: St.Amy's Day Review:

First, we want to thank all of you who came to our party this past Saturday and made it so awesome :) We had a great time and we hope you did too. While we appreciate all of you, here are some people particularly worthy of mention:

Amy Davis, BreAnne Van der Naald, and Emily Whalen- best outfits by far.

Lauren Migliaccio- we finally got to dance to call me maybe. Speaking of dancing- Colleen Carroll, wow! And of course Brian Durkin and John Hernandez who not only provided entertainment in the form of choreographed dance routines, but also were the last to leave. You guys rock hard, thanks for the good time.

Also special thanks to Jeff Fucci who I'm pretty sure represented the 2L class alone. Of course I understand the 2Ls are busy sleeping and attending other parties (Andrew McFarlin and Christopher Smith). In any event, the 1L's and the 3L's brought the house down just fine without you guys ;)

Of course the 2L's aren't the only ones with good excuses. Somehow not one of our so-close-we-share-an-address neighbors were able to make it. Margie Slowen, you are forgiven for being in Italy. As for Will Kirk, Andrew Fowler, and Kathleen, we are sure you have a good excuse. Long commute? Couldn't find parking? Got lost on the way? Or perhaps the crowds, the music, and the lights outside were too subtle a hint the party had started. Whatever it is, I'm sure if there was any way at all you guys could have made it you would have ;)

For those of you that came, we want to let you know how impressed we are that you not only emptied all 100+ jello/shamrock shots, four cases of beer, and all of the "lucky punch" as well as most of the food, not one of you puked or passed out. You guys are champs and are welcome to party here anytime.

Alright that guys, that about wraps up today's blog. Stay tuned for our upcoming blogs on the Master's party and sleep deprivation.

Love you all,

The 420 House

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